domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016

Finding the needle in a haystack: identification of cases of Lynch syndrome with MLH1 epimutation. - PubMed - NCBI

Finding the needle in a haystack: identification of cases of Lynch syndrome with MLH1 epimutation. - PubMed - NCBI

 2016 Feb 17. [Epub ahead of print]

Finding the needle in a haystack: identification of cases of Lynch syndrome with MLH1 epimutation.


Constitutional epimutation of the DNA mismatch repair gene, MLH1, represents a minor cause of Lynch syndrome. MLH1 epimutations are characterized by the soma-wide distribution of methylation of a single allele of the MLH1 promoter accompanied by constitutive allelic loss of transcription. 'Primary' MLH1 epimutations, considered pure epigenetic defects, tend to arise de novo in patients without a family history or any apparent genetic mutation. These demonstrate non-Mendelian inheritance. 'Secondary' MLH1 epimutations have a genetic basis and have been linked to non-coding genetic alterations in the vicinity of MLH1. These demonstrate autosomal dominant inheritance. Despite convincing evidence of their role in causing Lynch-type cancers, routine screening for MLH1 epimutations has not been widely adopted. Complicating factors may include: the need to perform additional methylation-based testing beyond the standard genetic screening for a germline mutation; the lack of a consensus algorithm for the selection of patients warranting MLH1 epimutation testing; overlapping molecular pathology features of MLH1 methylation and loss of MLH1 expression with more prevalent sporadic MSI cancers; the rarity of MLH1 epimutation; the variable inter-generational inheritance patterns; and the cost-effectiveness of screening. Nevertheless, a positive molecular diagnosis of MLH1 epimutation is clinically important because carriers have a high personal risk of developing metachronous Lynch-type cancers, and their relatives may also be at risk of carriage. Extending existing universal and clinic-based screening algorithms for Lynch syndrome to include an additional arm of selection criteria for cases warranting MLH1 epimutation testing could provide a cost-effective means of diagnosing these cases.


Epimutation; Lynch syndrome; MLH1; Screening

[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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